A Day on the Homestead
Our days lately seem to all be pretty similar. Especially since quarantine hit! Lots of staying home and getting things done around our homestead. Its been nice in a way to slow down some things an. I am trying to soak up every moment with Ava and prioritize my time so I focus on what’s important.
The days however go by quick and with all we do it’s hard to get things done sometimes! I thought putting together a little outline of my day plus some tips on how I plan my day that might help you structure yours better and hopefully make it smoother.
IMAGE:Wine and roses photography
7am Wakeup time! Ava is up and ready to go. I’ll usually lay in the bed and play with her a bit till about 0730
0730- Get up! Feed the inside cats and outside cats ( who wait at the door and DONT let me make breakfast unless I feed them first) Then change Ava’s diaper. If we are on a good schedule I will do a bike class in the morning on my Peloton. This has not happened in a while, ha!
0745- Worship time with Ava
800- Make breakfast! We usually eat Oatmeal or Granola, lots of fruit. On weekends or special days I might make something fancier like French Toast!
After breakfast I clean up kitchen and usually throw a load of laundry in the wash. Click to see recipes)
Homemade Granola
9am- Ava and I go out for farm chores! We call this #BATHROBECHORES ! Ava is usually in her stroller. First stop is the barn where we feed the baby kittens and make sure they have water. Then the donkeys get treats and hay.
Next up the chicken coop! I let all the birds out, check on everyone and make sure they have water
Then over the the greenhouse to water the plants there.
After that we go down to the lower field and check on the other animals. The goats usually get a little snack and I let the other chickens out.
0930 It’s garden time! I water the garden and pull weeds, pick any produce, etc. I love to gather flowers when they are in bloom and put a fresh arrangement on the counter every day!
1000 Head back to the house.
1030 Feed Ava and time for her nap! ( A lot of times she naps laying on me so I then multi-task on the computer)
1045- Answer emails and work ok blog posts, computer things, etc.
1130 Ava is up! Time to start lunch! I’ve usually meal plannned for the week so I have an idea of what I’m going to make.
1230 lunch. We eat together as a family as often as possible. Below are some of the lunch options we eat often! Click to see recipes
1300-3:30 Home things. Cleaning, organizing,putting away laundry, any outdoor projects. Also the time I will go to the store and pick up groceries etc.
3:30-5 Ava’s afternoon nap time. Sometimes that’s her in her carrier and I’m going around doing things or tackling more computer work.
5/5:30 Outdoor walk. I’ll go over to my parents and see them for a little bit. Sometimes I’ll leave Ava and then head back to do evening chores. If not Ava is with me in the stroller or carrier. More gardening if the weather and time allow.
6:00 Feed the animals their dinner. This takes about 10-15 min. Collect Eggs, lock up the chickens for the evening.
6:15 Ava dinner and I’ll make dinner.
700 Ava’s bath time!
0730 Ava to bed.
0800- We do dinner together! We still can’t figure out how to do it earlier with a baby! ( If you have tips let me know)
8-10 Tidy up The house, hang out with Jared. Podcast recording, late night garden work, watch a movie etc. Lock up the chickens if we didn’t get to it earlier.
1030 Shower and aim to go to bed :) But usually it’s late like 1130pm.
0700 Start over 😍
#BATHROBECHORES Rain or shine!
Picking fresh flowrs is always so fun!
Because I typically have a FULL day and don’t have lots’ of time to spare there are a few things I do to make it successful.
Make a To Do list the night before ( I like to have an idea of what I need to accomplish the next day so I can then focus and complete them. I LOVE crossing things off a checklist)
Meal Prep some things if possible. ( I make extra rice so I have it for a couple of days. Make granola every couple of weeks for a quick and easy breakfast. I also freeze beans to have handy and ready to warm when needed. This saves me a lot of time.
Set a Timer- This helps me a LOT! If I’m going to organize or work on something I set a timer. Usually no longer than 20 minutes and I try to accomplish the task in that amount of time. You’ll be amazed at how much you can do. I tell myself NO cell phone use or doing anything else other than the task for those 20 min. ( Things like folding laundry, cleaning kitchen, tidying up spaces, even weeding in the garden)
Keep a calendar- I currently have a lot of different projects happening at once and If I don’t keep a calendar I can look at and see the “ Big Picture” I can get disorganized. Keep things organized and your days will flow easier.
One day a month- Set one day a month to do “ Big Projects” around the homestead. Such as cleaning the chicken coop, re-stocking on animal feed, cleaning the barn, garden projects etc.
Give yourself grace- YOU MUST DO THIS! It’s impossible to finish ALL things all the time. Prioritize and know that other things things will just have to wait and that’s ok. Be kind to yourself.
You can use something like this Homestead week planner to easily jot down things for your week and quickly visualize them as you plan. I like simple and when everything is on one sheet it makes it easier! I still have a more in depth planner but this is something you can put on your fridge and even write meals on as well! Jot down quick notes at the bottom and get yourself ready to tackle the week!
I hope this has been helpful to you! If you have thoughts leave them below in the comments. I hope you can enjoy the days busy moments and quiet moments too knowing you worked hard and accomplished much in your day!
I have a HOMESTEAD GOAL PLANNER you can download and use to plan your whole year or month. Take a look at it HERE! Maybe it will be helpful to you!